Let’s Torque SLK Owners Club Alpine Adventure | 20 September – 27 September 2025

Let's Torque SMUK Alpine Adventure

We are hugely excited about the SLK Owners Club Alpine Adventure 2025.

Delivering the ultimate driving Tours with military precision and flair is of course the strapline for our Company, but it really does define who we are, and how we operate. We are honoured to be offering SLK Owners Club this Tour.

Participants will embark on the adventure of a lifetime, whilst getting to experience some of the best roads that France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany and Belguim have to offer along, with stunning locations that are, literally, the stuff of dreams!


Day 1 – UK to Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Saturday 20 September 2025

Torque Events Luxembourg City

We depart the UK via Eurotunnel and make and make our way to Luxembourg City – a lovely city with plenty of restaurants and bars.  A perfect start to our Alpine Adventure.

Day 2 – Luxembourg City, Luxembourg to Zurich, Switzerland
Sunday 21 September 2025

We continue the Alpine Aventure straight down to beautiful Switzerland with a little taster of a twisty route towards the end of the day through the National Parks before arriving in Zurich.  Set on the lake, Zurich is stunning both day and night.

Day 3 – Zurich, Switzerland to Davos, Switzerland
Monday 22 September 2025

Day 3 sees us driving the fantastic passes of the Susten Pass, the Grimsel Pass and the Furka Pass.  All providing a great introduction to the mountain hairpins and stunning views offering many photo points and a stunning stop for lunch.

We make our way to Davos, which is a huge ski resort offering a beautiful backdrop and a great stop for the end of Day 3.

Day 4 – Davos, Switzerland to Bolzano, Italy
Tuesday 23 September 2025

Day 4 is our second day of real mountain driving with us experiencing the thrills of the Fluella Pass, the Treballe Pass, the South side of the Stelvio Pass and the Umbrail Pass before arriving in Bolzano for a taste of Italy.

Bolzano is a city in the South Tyrol province of north Italy, set in a valley amid hilly vineyards. It’s a gateway to the Dolomites mountain range in the Italian Alps.

Days 5 – Bolzano, Italy to Salzburg, Austria
Wednesday 24 September 2025

Day 5 is another day of mountain passes and sees us heading North through Italy, and into Austria for the legendary Grossglockener Pass – quite possibly the highlight of all of the passes on this Alpine Adventure!

We arrive in Salzburg, which is on the border of Germany, with views of the Eastern Alps.

Time to pull up a chair and regale everyone with stories of your legendary driving prowess from the last 3 days.

Day 6 – Salzburg, Austria to Stuttgart, Germany
Thursday 25 September 2025

On Day 6, we sadly leave the mountains behind us, as we head North. However, today is definitely the day for the speedfreaks to get their freak on!  It’s an Autobahn storming day, which sees us heading towards the awesome city of Stuttgart for an evening of Schnitzel and Wurst.  

It just so happens that Stuttgart is also the home of the Mercedes Benz Museum, so we have arranged for a private tour of this stunning establishment of the Marque we love!.

Day 7 – Stuttgart, Germany to Brussels, Belgium
Friday 26 September 2025

Today we leave Stuttgart continuing along through Germany on the Autobahns before crossing back through Luxembourg for a spot of cheap fuel. We then head North into Belgium and our beautiful final location of the day is the stunning Chateau Du Lac for our end of tour function.

Day 8 – Brussels, Belgium to UK
Saturday 27 September 2025

The final leg of our Alpine Adventure sees us leaving Brussels and heading back to Calais for the journey back to the UK.

We guarantee you will be brimming with stories of your Alpine Adventure.

Event Details
Event Details